Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Big Girl Bed

Cassie in her new bed. This is an early Birthday gift.
No more baby stuff!!! We finally got Cassie out of her toddler bed. She had been sleeping on the same mattress since she was born. It was the last piece of baby equipment that we had in the house. I love this new bed. Kevin put it all together. I'm so proud of him! I'm not going to lie it all came from Big Lots, and the bedding is from Target. It has storage under the bed which is really cool. I stored all of her summer clothes in one drawer and she got to put stuffed animals in the other. She knows that one drawer is Mommy's and the other one is hers. She can put stuffed animals in the headboard too which she likes. It's pushed against her window seat which has more stuffed animals! The sad thing is she has more on her bookshelf and even more in her closet! Kevin's sister gave us all of her bedding before she was born. I'm keeping the valance and window seat cushion she had made, and the cute pillows. She also gave us two beautiful paintings which will stay. Basically, I'm letting Cassie pick out her bedding but she can't touch the walls :) I know they don't go with the princess stuff, but I don't care. I want to hold on to all that stuff as long as I can. I'm a little sad that Cassie seems to growing up, but she is so much fun right now. Tonight she told me, "I'm not going to call you big butt tonight Mommy I love you" She knows it's mean we have had long talks about it. Another thing I love about the new bed is I can sit on it and play with toys and read with her. I was afraid to sit my big butt on the toddler bed! Enough about the bed!


chrissy said...

I bet she loves her new bed! E will be so jealous when she sees that Princess stuff! We are the same way with stuffed animals. I think they breed, I have no idea where they have all come from.

txmomof2 said...

Love Cassie's new bed and room layout. We had a blast at ya'll's house today. Thanks for inviting us. Merry Christmas!